Meaning of अनुपालन in Urdu
- عمل پیرا
- تعمیل
- موافقیاں
- مطابقت
- تعمیل کرنا
- عدم تعمیل
Meaning of अनुपालन in English
English usage of अनुपालन
- a strict adherence to etiquette
- they must secure each other's cooperation or compliance
- they must secure each other's cooperation or compliance
- we are unable to comply with your request
- we are unable to comply with your request
- conformity to regulations
- conformity to regulations
- they must secure each other's cooperation or compliance
- they must secure each other's cooperation or compliance
- we are unable to comply with your request
- noncompliance with the formal requirements
Articles Related to ‘अनुपालन’
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