Meaning of अपरिहार्य in Urdu
- قید
- غیر معقول
- ناگزیر
- چھٹکارا پانے والا
- ناقابل تسخیر
- ناگوار
- ناقابل فہم
- ناانصافی
- ناقابل برداشت
- غیر ضروری
- ناجائز
- منفرد
- ناقابل استعمال
- ناقابل حل
- غیر شادی شدہ
- ناقابل تلافی
- بے اثر
- ناقابل واپسی
- ناقابل معافی
Meaning of अपरिहार्य in English
English usage of अपरिहार्य
- a situation that entails considerable risks
- an indefeasible right
- he made himself indispensable to the parish priest
- war was inevitable
- it would be inadvisable to involve more than one architect
- they are few in number and those numbers are inappreciable
- he made himself indispensable to the parish priest
- the ineluctable facts of history
- political reform was inescapable
- war was inevitable
- the inimitable ambience of Hawaii
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