
Meaning of अबाधित in Urdu

  • غیرآباد
  • بلاتعطل
  • بلا روک ٹوک
  • ناسازگار
  • منسوخ
  • بےخبر
  • نابینا
  • بے خبر
  • ناقابل تلافی
  • غیر مرئی
  • غیر معمولی
  • غیر مطمئن
  • لاپرواہ
  • بیپرواہ
  • غیر شعوری طور پر
  • غیر ذمہ دار
  • غیر منظم
  • غیر منحصر
  • غیرضروری
  • عدم پابندی
  • غیر اعلانیہ
  • بے بنیاد
  • غیر مستحکم
  • غیرجانبدار
  • اجنبی
  • بغیر دبے
  • بلاغت
  • بے ہنگم
  • غیر عملی
  • غیر محفوظ
  • ناقابل قبول
  • نا منظور
  • بے ساختہ
  • ناقابل برداشت
  • غیر واضح
  • غیرمتعلق
  • غیر یقینی
  • غیر یقینی طور پر
  • نامعلوم
  • غیر تربیت یافتہ
  • غیر جواب دہ
  • بے چین
  • ناخوشگوار
  • غیر تعلیم یافتہ
  • غیر منطقی
  • غیر منقطع
  • بلا مقابلہ
  • بے داغ
  • بے لگام
  • غیر پابندی والا
  • غیر مسدود
  • بے شک
  • ناقابل شکست
  • غیر رکاوٹ
  • غیر منقولہ
  • بلبلڈ
  • غیر منصوبہ بند
  • اڑا ہوا
  • غیرمتحرک
  • غیر مہذب
  • غیر پابند
  • غیر آباد
  • غیر بوتل
  • غیر زیر انتظام
  • بے حد
  • اٹوٹ
  • توڑنے والا
  • اچھ .ا ہوا
  • اچھ .ا
  • اَنابروڈ
  • غیر بریج
  • بیرون ملک
  • بلاخبر
  • بانٹ
  • بدبخت
  • غیر مہنگا
  • بغیر جڑے ہوئے
  • ناگوار
  • غیرجانبداری سے
  • بدستور
  • غیر تبدیل شدہ
  • غیر اچھے
  • غیر ضروری
  • اچھال
  • غیر محض
  • ناقابل تسخیر
  • بدعنوانی
  • بے سود
  • لاپتہ
  • دھلائی
  • بیمار
  • کم پڑا
  • غیر منقول
  • ناقص
  • کم کرنا
  • غیر ہنگامہ خیز
  • زیرک
  • ننگے ہوئے
  • کم عمر
  • انڈرسٹروائزڈ
  • تخریبی
  • تباہ کن
  • ہضم شدہ
  • بے حساب
  • بے رنگ
  • ناقابل حساب
  • بلا تفریق
  • انڈسپیچڈ
  • انڈسٹریڈ
  • کپڑے اتار
  • اجاگر
  • انکرنٹ
  • بے پردہ
  • غیر متحرک
  • غیر محصور
  • بے نقاب
  • بے سروپا
  • بلاواسطہ
  • غیر مطلوبہ
  • بے جوڑ
  • بے ترتیبی
  • غیر من پسند
  • غیر منطقی طور پر
  • ناقابل
  • غیرمتزلزل
  • غیر مقلد
  • غیر متعلق
  • بلاشرکت
  • لاتعلق
  • بغیر کسی
  • غیر لچکدار
  • غیر معقول
  • بے اثر
  • غیر منتخب
  • غیر معیاری
  • غیر محتاط
  • غیر محرک
  • غیر مقصود
  • غیر واقف
  • بے کار
  • غیر پلاسٹک
  • غیر مقبول
  • غیر منافع بخش
  • بے ترتیب
  • نااہل
  • بے ربط
  • لاوارث
  • لا محدود
  • بلاجواز
  • بے روشنی
  • اٹل
  • عدم استحکام
  • غیر اجزاء
  • غیر سنجیدگی سے
  • غیر سنجیدہ
  • غیر متوقع
  • غیر ختم
  • غیرجانبداری
  • غیر منضبط
  • غیرجانبدارانہ
  • غیر ممنوع
  • غیر پوشیدہ
  • لاعلاج
  • غیر مستقل طور پر
  • غیر ارادی
  • بغیر کسی طور
  • اچھے
  • اچھوت
  • غیر متوقع طور پر
  • اچھے ہوئے
  • ناجائز
  • بے محل
  • انوارپ
  • جس کي حطاظت نه کي جاتي هو
  • بن بیاہی
  • کوئی تبدیلی نہیں ہوئی
  • بغیر کسی سمجھے
  • بلا تعل .ق

Meaning of अबाधित in English

English usage of अबाधित

  • a quiet weekend of undisturbed tranquility
  • an uninterruptible power supply
  • an unobstructed view of the water
  • ineradicable hostility
  • there is no infrangible genetic prescription of human behavior
  • she gave a nonchalant shrug
  • she nonchalantly walked out of the police station
  • unabating enthusiasm
  • an unabridged edition
  • pure, unadulterated jealousy
  • medical care has become unaffordable
  • they are remarkably uncomplaining and unalarmed
  • many buildings survive unaltered
  • There were more than glimmers of greatness in Brando's later films but unanchored , floating, like the image of Kurtz in the jungle or Corleone in the hallowed gloom of his study.
  • It is very unusual to take over a company on the basis of unaudited accounts.
  • we know from our own research that there are still 250,000 people in the country who are unbanked
  • she unbarred the gate
  • she unbarred the gate
  • For next to God, we worship and love the logos who is from the unbegotten and ineffable God.
  • the possibilities are unbounded
  • a seemingly unbridgeable cultural abyss
  • But it was forced to drop the WebPC price to $799 in Spring - partly by unbundling the Internet service, and last month quietly shelved the idea.
  • the need to unburden yourself to someone who will listen
  • They were stored, uncatalogued , in the county record office.
  • the report's findings did not go unchallenged
  • this uncharitable remark possibly arose out of jealousy
  • Only 2.9 percent of Missouri's cities are constitutionally chartered, and two thirds of current eminent domain cases involve unchartered municipalities.
  • Bodies were being reconfigured dramatically, particularly female ones - the corset and chignon were abandoned for the unconstructed sack dress and bobbed hair of the femme nouvelle.
  • most of his letters are undated
  • they were undaunted by the huge amount of work needed
  • The program recognizes the link between undereducated adults and educationally at-risk children.
  • Watchful waiting is not an option because true undescended testicles rarely descend spontaneously after three months of age.
  • forests and undestroyed habitats
  • All that puts me off being an owl is the way they cough up their undigested food - then again, we humans have some pretty bad habits too.
  • it may be difficult to provide undistorted information
  • The same rate would apply to undistributed incomes also.
  • a quiet weekend of undisturbed tranquility
  • he ran out, leaving his coffee undrunk and the bill unpaid
  • Untreated, the fever becomes undulant (up for weeks and gone for weeks), patients spend three months in the hospital and 2% die.
  • Her head was wrapped in undyed linen, and the fine bones of her face spoke together with the fine lines of her limbs.
  • the theory remains unelaborated and sketchy
  • we must never ungird our armor
  • They unharnessed the horses and pulled his curricle away to celebrate.
  • the violent acts of unhinged minds
  • he unhooded the horse
  • he unlashed the dinghy
  • his behavior was becoming unmanageable at home
  • The jokes in Daniel Goldfarb's affable comedy about an unlikely friendship between observant and unobservant Jews are as New York - specific as the cityscape set.
  • an unobstructed view of the water
  • She looked quickly around, but the remote part of the palace grounds was still unoccupied .
  • Kenneth seems unperturbed by the news
  • they decided to live among the scraggly unpruned trees
  • the manuscript was unrevised when he died
  • an unsalaried post
  • it has an unspotted white throat
  • waters that are ice-covered remain unstirred by wind
  • accidental and unsustained tourism
  • Robyn untwined her fingers
  • her lips mouthed unuttered thanks
  • the idea of humbling the hitherto unvanquished islanders
  • Venice was an unwalled city
  • an unwed teenage mother
  • the first mechanical clocks were large and unwieldy

Synonyms of ‘अबाधित

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