Meaning of आनंदित in Urdu
- خوشی
- خوشگوار
- خوشی ہوئی
- فرحت بخش
- خوش مزاج
- خوش ہاتھ
- گلاسڈ
- گلیٹڈ
- بہت خوش ہوئے
- ٹریلڈ
Meaning of आनंदित in English
English usage of आनंदित
- scenes of joyous celebration
- mirthful laughter
- all this hustle and bustle makes me feel exhilarated
- they had been taking every free minute to glad-hand loyal supporters
- the inn has a long balcony, now glassed in
- his kiss thrilled and excited her
- a skylark was trilling overhead
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