Meaning of उत्थान in Urdu
- تخلیق نو
- ترقی
- بلندی
- ارتقاء
- حوصلہ افزائی
- ترقی یافتہ
- ترقی پزیر
- افزائش
- اصلاح کرنيوالا
- بلند
- اچھال
- عروج پر
Meaning of उत्थान in English
English usage of उत्थान
- the regeneration of inner cities
- an uplifting tune
- her uplifted face
- her sudden elevation to the cabinet
- she gave money to the Church for the upbuilding of God's kingdom
- she gave money to the Church for the upbuilding of God's kingdom
- she gave money to the Church for the upbuilding of God's kingdom
- she gave money to the Church for the upbuilding of God's kingdom
- her uplifted face
- her uplifted face
- an uplifting tune
- her uplifted face
- Tolstoy's Christian anarchism comes into full play as a great upswell of moral fury
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