Meaning of गंदा करना in Urdu
- بیڈرگگلڈ
- بیڈراگل
- بیڈرگگلنگ
- بیفول
- حیرت زدہ
- بیسلوبر
- بیسمیر
- زیربحث
- بیسمیرس
- بسمرچ
- بسمرچنگ
- بسمارڈ
- بسمرچز
- گندا کرنا
- دھندلا
- چکنا چور
- گھسیٹیں
- گھسیٹا
- گھسیٹنا
- میکل
- مارا
- مارنا
- مٹی
Meaning of गंदा करना in English
English usage of गंदा करना
- we got there, tired and bedraggled
- they befoul our water with mining
- they befoul our water with mining
- they befoul our water with mining
- a shirt hideously besmeared with the blood of the victim
- a shirt hideously besmeared with the blood of the victim
- a shirt hideously besmeared with the blood of the victim
- he had besmirched the good name of his family
- he had besmirched the good name of his family
- he had besmirched the good name of his family
- he had besmirched the good name of his family
- she didn't like him dirtying her nice clean towels
- To draggle; to wet and befoul by draggling; as, to drabble a gown or cloak.
- the wet grasses had draggled her skirt to the knees
- she wore a draggled skirt
- the wet grasses had draggled her skirt to the knees
- the wet grasses had draggled her skirt to the knees
- I drank a lot of wine and got sloshed
- water in the boat sloshed around under our feet
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