Meaning of गर्भाधान in Urdu
- کھاد
- برانن
- بازیافت
- غلاظت
- رنگدار
- انجیکشن
- حمل
- لیواڈکشن
- تخفیف
Meaning of गर्भाधान in English
English usage of गर्भाधान
- The embryos of all sexually reproducing organisms develop from a single cell, formed by the fusion of a male and a female gamete at fertilization .
- The embryos of all sexually reproducing organisms develop from a single cell, formed by the fusion of a male and a female gamete at fertilization .
- she hurled her imprecations at anyone who might be listening
- children conceived through donor insemination
Articles Related to ‘गर्भाधान’
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