Meaning of जादू in Urdu
- جادو
- جادوگرنی
- دلاتا
- ڈائریٹریز
- بھڑک اٹھنا
- گلیمرس
- جلانا
- پیٹرنوسٹرز
- غذا
- تھیوری
- غیر متناسب
- حیرت
- جادوگرنا
- آتش گیری
- پرفتن
- آتشیں
- باری میں
- جادوڈوم
- خفیہ کاری
- ظاہری شکل
- جاسوس
- بحالی
- ریٹاکانسی
- منتر
- جڑنا
- سردي
- وقوف
- واول وال
- وزنیڈنس
Meaning of जादू in English
English usage of जादू
- they hoped to conjure up the spirit of their dead friend
- Anne conjured up a most delicious homemade stew
- the beauty and diablerie of the great actor
- an attempt to exorcise an unquiet spirit
- the glamour of Monte Carlo
- the glamour of Monte Carlo
- an incantation to raise the dead
- When Wee dropped one club out of reach, they continued juggling with the remaining five.
- suddenly, as if by magic, the doors start to open
- Finish with a colloquy to Christ our Lord, and finally a paternoster .
- Dolly spelled her name
- While theurgy (almost by definition) lies within the realms of both magic and religion, thaumaturgy does not.
- While theurgy (almost by definition) lies within the realms of both magic and religion, thaumaturgy does not.
- they hoped to conjure up the spirit of their dead friend
- the enchantment of the mountains
- the enchantment of the mountains
- Isabel was enchanted with the idea
- an incantation to raise the dead
- an incantation to raise the dead
- suddenly, as if by magic, the doors start to open
- he must have been magicked out of the car at the precise second it exploded
- he must have been magicked out of the car at the precise second it exploded
- a secret society to study alchemy and the occult
- an excellent aircraft for low-level reconnaissance
- an excellent aircraft for low-level reconnaissance
- I remember babbling, high and spacey
- Dolly spelled her name
- buses were spewing out black clouds of exhaust
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