Meaning of दखल देना in Urdu
- میں بٹ
- میں سینگ
- مداخلت
- انٹرلوپ
- انٹرلوپڈ
- انٹرلوپس
- باہمی گفتگو
- بندر
Meaning of दखल देना in English
English usage of दखल देना
- interfering busybodies
- impostors have tried to interlope on the action
- impostors have tried to interlope on the action
- impostors have tried to interlope on the action
- impostors have tried to interlope on the action
- My brother and I were monkeying around and he was pretending to try to throw me to the ground.
- My brother and I were monkeying around and he was pretending to try to throw me to the ground.
Articles Related to ‘दखल देना’
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