Meaning of नाली in Urdu
- نالیوں
- نالی
- گلی
- گلیاں
- گٹر
- ویلیکولا
- ناولی
Meaning of नाली in English
English usage of नाली
- a conduit for conveying water to the power plant
- we drained the swimming pool
- his thoughts were slipping into a familiar groove
- he began to pick his way over the gullied landscape
- he began to pick his way over the gullied landscape
- the candles had almost guttered out
- A common problem is the unlawful channelling of storm water drainage into the sewer system.
- Double swallow to clear residue in the valleculae .
- every possible care was taken that could conduce to their health and comfort
- a conduit for conveying water to the power plant
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