
Meaning of नूतनीकरण in Urdu

  • انتظامات
  • منسوخ کرنا
  • اعلان کرنا
  • نقاب
  • ابھارنا
  • ابھار
  • بدعنوانی
  • نان وولومنٹ
  • بغاوت
  • کوئٹ نقل
  • ری ایچیوکیٹ
  • نئے سرے سے تبدیل کرنا
  • ریفریشمنٹ
  • ریفینیج
  • ختم ہوجاتا ہے
  • ریفومینٹ
  • تجدید کرنا
  • ری فربشر
  • تجدید شدہ
  • تجدید کرتا ہے
  • تجدید کاری
  • تجدید نو
  • فرنشینش
  • فرنشننگ
  • فرنشیشمنٹ
  • باقاعدہ
  • ریجیلڈنگ
  • دوبارہ منظم
  • تنظیم سازی
  • دوبارہ تنظیم
  • بازیافت کرنا
  • ریگریجویشن
  • ریگورگیٹنگ
  • ریگریگیشن
  • تجدید کردہ
  • نوکری
  • دوبارہ کرنا
  • رینیومیا
  • تجدید
  • تجدید ہوا
  • تجدید جنگ
  • تجدید پسندی
  • تجدید گیڈو
  • تجدیدات
  • دوبارہ بات چیت
  • بازگشت
  • نوآبادیاتی
  • قابل تجدید
  • تجدیدی طور پر
  • تجدید طریقے سے
  • تجدید پن
  • تجدید کنندہ
  • تجدید کار
  • بازیافت
  • تزئین و آرائش
  • رینومی
  • نومولود
  • تجدیدی
  • چمکانا
  • چلانے
  • بحالی
  • دوبارہ بحال کرنا
  • پھیلانا
  • از سر نو
  • دوبارہ ہوا
  • سمیلی کاسٹ
  • الٹی میشن
  • بے خبر
  • انوولولمنٹ

English usage of नूतनीकरण

  • Thomas went to his grave regarding Eleanour as nothing more than a dear friend, useful as an unpaid secretary, the willing amanuensis who typed his manuscripts for him.
  • The capital, which should be as high as the radius of the bottom of the column, is composed of an abacus, an echinus (a convex moulding with gently swelling curve), and annulets (or rings) next to the column.
  • criminals are to be re-educated
  • new reconstruction projects will re-energize the flagging economy
  • the premises have been completely refurbished in our corporate style
  • the premises have been completely refurbished in our corporate style
  • the premises have been completely refurbished in our corporate style
  • the premises have been completely refurbished in our corporate style
  • the bedrooms have been recently refurnished
  • the theater reopened following major refurbishment
  • the bedrooms have been recently refurnished
  • the bedrooms have been recently refurnished
  • He also employed Galle to regild the mounts with matt gilding.
  • gulls regurgitate food for the chicks
  • gulls regurgitate food for the chicks
  • see your vet if regurgitation becomes a problem
  • a renegade bodyguard
  • Let India reclaim itself from the criminals and outlaws, reprobates and renegades .
  • the administration had reneged on its election promises
  • the administration had reneged on its election promises
  • the administration had reneged on its election promises
  • the parties will renegotiate the price
  • the parties will renegotiate the price
  • the parties will renegotiate the price
  • the parties will renegotiate the price
  • they demanded renegotiation of the treaty
  • they demanded renegotiation of the treaty
  • the parents renewed their campaign to save the school
  • a renewal of hostilities
  • a renewal of hostilities
  • the parents renewed their campaign to save the school
  • the parents renewed their campaign to save the school
  • the parents renewed their campaign to save the school
  • Asymmetric divisions lead to the formation of a pair of reniform guard cells surrounding the stomatal opening.
  • Using the method of renormalization which he also developed Schwinger was able to prove that a small anomalous contribution should be added to the value of the magnetic moment accepted until then.
  • many public health experts are concerned that e-cigarette use will renormalize smoking
  • many public health experts are concerned that e-cigarette use will renormalize smoking
  • many public health experts are concerned that e-cigarette use will renormalize smoking
  • the old school has been tastefully renovated as a private house
  • the old school has been tastefully renovated as a private house
  • the old school has been tastefully renovated as a private house
  • the old school has been tastefully renovated as a private house
  • this property is in need of complete renovation
  • this property is in need of complete renovation
  • you mustn't let yourself repine
  • Lamps and electric appliances are rewired and repaired.
  • the show will be simulcast live to 201 countries

Antonyms of ‘नूतनीकरण

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