Meaning of पीठ in Urdu
- بیک پیج
- پیٹھ
- پیچھے کی طرف
- مٹانا
- بمقابلہ
- آٹا
- پرٹ
- خمیر
- چیخنا
Meaning of पीठ in English
English usage of पीठ
- he lay on his back
- The old woman boasts that they would change their minds if only they got a look at her backside because one buttock, as she has mentioned twice already, is missing.
- The old woman boasts that they would change their minds if only they got a look at her backside because one buttock, as she has mentioned twice already, is missing.
- the ridged sand of the beach
- Happily, the verso of the title page tells us why: it's printed in 11.75 point on 15.5 point Minion, with 33 lines to the page in Royal Octavo size.
- Happily, the verso of the title page tells us why: it's printed in 11.75 point on 15.5 point Minion, with 33 lines to the page in Royal Octavo size.
- lots of dough
- grease and flour two round cake pans
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