Meaning of प्रतिशोध in Urdu
- جوابی کارروائی
- بازیافت
- گھومنا
- جھگڑے
- انتقام
Meaning of प्रतिशोध in English
English usage of प्रतिशोध
- the bombings are believed to be in retaliation for the trial of 15 suspects
- the bombings are believed to be in retaliation for the trial of 15 suspects
- Sorel was no starry-eyed advocate of revanche in the decades following the defeat of 1871
- Sorel was no starry-eyed advocate of revanche in the decades following the defeat of 1871
- Every family cultivates its vendetta ; every clan, its feud.
- Every family cultivates its vendetta ; every clan, its feud.
- So in the end it sort of has a happy ending, in that you get to see Grace exact vengeance .
- So in the end it sort of has a happy ending, in that you get to see Grace exact vengeance .
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