Meaning of प्रसारण in Urdu
- نشر کرنا
- ایئر پلے
- براڈ کاسٹننگ
- نشریات
- وسعت بخش
- پھر بچھانے
- سمیلی کاسٹ
- ٹیلی کاسٹ
- ٹرانسمیشن
- نشریاتی
Meaning of प्रसारण in English
English usage of प्रसारण
- somebody had given the place a thorough airing
- they call themselves country and western just to get airplay
- the announcement was broadcast live
- the state monopoly on broadcasting
- the announcement was broadcast live
- diffusible factors in the cytoplasm
- she intended to relay everything she had learned
- the show will be simulcast live to 201 countries
- the program will be telecast simultaneously to nearly 150 cities
- the transmission of the virus
- somebody had given the place a thorough airing
- the announcement was broadcast live
- the state monopoly on broadcasting
- the transmission of the virus
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