a prediction that the Greeks would destroy the Persian empire
it is too early to predict a result
a bleak prophecy of war and ruin
Jacques was prophesying a bumper harvest
a bleak prophecy of war and ruin
Jacques was prophesying a bumper harvest
his warnings proved prophetic
the Celtic art of divination
his brother usually divined his ulterior motives
‘Heads’ was the name given to that part of sailing ships forward of the forecastle and around the beak which was used by the crew as their lavatory.
the bank was threatening to foreclose on his mortgage
a good forehand drive
he foreknows his death like a saint
His shaggy forelock of dark hair was sticking up oddly over his shocked eyes.
I was making too much foremilk and not enough hindmilk
a foreshock had been reported before the 1966 earthquake
astrologers that future fates foreshow
astrologers that future fates foreshow
as he foretold, thousands lost their lives
as he foretold, thousands lost their lives
predacious insects
As we study today's text, it's tempting to invest the majority of our time dealing with the theological issue of predestination .
the club's financial predicament
a word that predicates something about its subject
These effects can be explained if we consider more closely the function of attributive and predicative adjectives.
it is too early to predict a result
it is too early to predict a result
a prediction that the Greeks would destroy the Persian empire
a prediction that the Greeks would destroy the Persian empire
predictive accuracy
it is too early to predict a result
pithy passages have been predigested for the reader and arranged under appropriate headings
my predilection for Asian food
the progeny of celebrities
The incorporation of plasmids or prophages into the bacterial chromosomes is called transfection.
The incorporation of plasmids or prophages into the bacterial chromosomes is called transfection.
a bleak prophecy of war and ruin
Jacques was prophesying a bumper harvest
Jacques was prophesying a bumper harvest
Jacques was prophesying a bumper harvest
I have spent a good deal of the last three and a half years researching the Sibyl of Cumae, the pagan prophetess of classical antiquity said by Virgil to write her oracles on leaves.
the pagans thought it was important to propitiate the gods with sacrifices
he lifted his hands in propitiation
the proscription of the party after the 1715 Rebellion
they found their trust in divine providence to be a source of comfort