
Meaning of मूर्ख in Urdu

  • مصنوعی
  • بلاک ہیڈ
  • سرطان
  • بوبی
  • کریس
  • اچھے
  • بھاڑ میں جاؤ
  • پھانسی
  • ہوجری
  • مورھ
  • گوتھامائٹ
  • جاہل
  • اگورامس
  • بیمار مشورہ دیا
  • بے عیب
  • پاگل
  • جنریٹر
  • نن
  • نٹ وٹ
  • نمسکل
  • نمسکلز
  • سیلیئر
  • سلوب
  • سلیبس
  • سست پوک
  • سستپوکس
  • نرمیاں
  • نرمی
  • بیوقوف
  • غیرجانبدار
  • غیر دانشمندانہ
  • بیبش
  • بافی
  • گنبد
  • بے وقوف
  • بولی
  • ہلچل
  • مرغوب
  • دافٹ
  • ڈولوس
  • عجیب
  • گونگا
  • ڈنس
  • دوپٹہ
  • فلانٹ
  • گستاخ
  • احمقانہ
  • بیوکوف
  • فولفش
  • احمق
  • فولفشز
  • فولڈرشپ
  • بیوقوف بنانا
  • فولمونگر
  • فول پروف
  • سخت
  • تیز
  • فوسیلیرین
  • گوڈ
  • گڈ لائک
  • گوٹک
  • گوئٹے
  • لوحی
  • گوپی
  • محاورہ
  • محض
  • بدنام
  • لاپرواہی
  • بیہودہ
  • نکی
  • گھٹیا
  • بے محل
  • بدعنوانی
  • موری
  • مورونگ
  • نبی
  • نیسینٹ
  • ناگوار
  • غیر مہذب
  • متبرک
  • ذہنی
  • غیر منطقی
  • ناقابل شکست
  • غیر محتاط
  • نامعلوم
  • ماہر نفسیات
  • شور شرابا
  • موٹے
  • بے حس
  • پاپش
  • پوبی
  • بکواس
  • شرارتی
  • بے خبر
  • بے چین
  • چست
  • سلیہو
  • سلٹیسٹ
  • سورکی
  • مسکراہٹ
  • چپچپا
  • گستاخانہ
  • بدبخت
  • بیوقوف سربراہ
  • بے ہنگم

Meaning of मूर्ख in English

English usage of मूर्ख

  • And then the stupid blockhead called Jessie something I never want to hear repeated again.
  • ‘I just wandered around and hit the ball, to be honest,’ Howell explained, as if he was some country booby on his first visit to the big city.
  • the crass assumptions that men make about women
  • He's a walking compendium of great television and these galoots haven't a hope of squeezing into the margins of the appendix.
  • I was goofing around and broke my arm
  • I was goofing around and broke my arm
  • assume that your examiner is an ignoramus and explain everything to him
  • assume that your examiner is an ignoramus and explain everything to him
  • you would be ill-advised to go on your own
  • No matter what you call the mentally deficient, that term will come to be an insult when applied to people of ordinary intellectual capacity, and not long after it will be seen as an insult to the true idiots, imbeciles , and so forth.
  • try not to make imbecile remarks
  • we can't let these thoughtless morons get away with mindless vandalism every weekend
  • a long-haired mutt of doubtful pedigree
  • And, as a reader recently suggested, it would allow movie watchers to gang up on the nincompoops who insist on chatting away on their cell phones during the show - if their cell phones are equipped with recorders.
  • Except for a scant few, the characters in St. Elmo's Fire are all either weasels, deceptive clods or selfish ninnies .
  • I want nothing to do with that bunch of nitwits!
  • another of his silly jokes
  • We're not all lazy slobs like Channel 4 seem to want us to be.
  • We're not all lazy slobs like Channel 4 seem to want us to be.
  • we were yelling for the slowpokes to catch up
  • we were yelling for the slowpokes to catch up
  • she is too much of a softie to fire anyone
  • you're not a coward, stupid!
  • a good-natured but unintelligent boy
  • it is unwise to rely on hearsay evidence
  • don't ask such daft questions
  • they stood dumb while the attacker poured out a stream of abuse
  • I'm such a dunce walking into a stupid place like this but its not like they could identify me.
  • newly rich consumers eager to flaunt their prosperity
  • raspberry fool with cream
  • it would be foolhardy to go into the scheme without support
  • it would be foolhardy to go into the scheme without support
  • she had been fooling herself in thinking she could remain indifferent
  • it was foolish of you to enter into correspondence
  • a foolproof security system
  • raspberry fool with cream
  • he goaded her on to more daring revelations
  • I was goofing around and broke my arm
  • I was goofing around and broke my arm
  • I was goofing around and broke my arm
  • His strange mannerisms and goofy asides are amusing, and he has a comedian's sensibility for wanting to keep the audience at home interested.
  • In this sense, history is an idiographic temporal process involving individuals.
  • And he is not coming into court acting like an idiot and being stupid on the stand.
  • And he is not coming into court acting like an idiot and being stupid on the stand.
  • he had allowed his imagination to illude him
  • mindless violence
  • A demi-lion naissant from the partition or with a sword argent in the paw dexter.
  • one of those nerds who never asked a girl to dance
  • And, as a reader recently suggested, it would allow movie watchers to gang up on the nincompoops who insist on chatting away on their cell phones during the show - if their cell phones are equipped with recorders.
  • If we wish to expose ourselves to nocuous activities, it is very much our choice.
  • These mental images have no privileged status, such as Plato gave to his noetic Ideas or Forms; they are always true, but in this do not differ from the information provided by the senses.
  • the idea that unconsciously we all long for death, for nonbeing
  • upholstered in nubby blue cotton
  • a puckish sense of humor
  • the research has been carried out with scrupulous attention to detail
  • another of his silly jokes
  • I remember him as a stoutish redhead
  • the offense of administering drugs to a woman with intent to stupefy her
  • I was stupid enough to think she was perfect
  • I was stupid enough to think she was perfect
  • I was stupid enough to think she was perfect
  • you're not a coward, stupid!
  • a witless retort

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