Meaning of विलाप in Urdu
- نوحہ
- آہ و فغاں
- ماتم کرنا
- کراہنا
- نوحہ خوانی
- لیمینٹرز
Meaning of विलाप in English
English usage of विलाप
- he was lamenting the death of his infant daughter
- scenes of lamentation
- he was lamenting the death of his infant daughter
- he was lamenting the death of his infant daughter
- she gave a low moan of despair
- she gave a low moan of despair
- Christopher let out a wail
- it was no use bemoaning her lot
- he was lamenting the death of his infant daughter
- scenes of lamentation
- he was lamenting the death of his infant daughter
- he was lamenting the death of his infant daughter
- Christopher let out a wail
Articles Related to ‘विलाप’
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