Meaning of विशिष्टता in Urdu
- امتیازی
- استثناء
- نشان
- سنجیدگی
- مافوق الفطرت
- انفرادیت
- سیمانکن
- مہارت
- ایکسلتا
- بے نیازی
- تخصص
- خاصیت
- خصوصیت
- تکرار
- وضاحت
- قیاس آرائی
- حالات
- ناانصافی
Meaning of विशिष्टता in English
English usage of विशिष्टता
- communities are keen to maintain cultural distinctiveness
- the event was criticized for its exclusivity
- he believed in the singularity of all cultures
- the ability to celebrate the uniqueness of each individual
- communities are keen to maintain cultural distinctiveness
- Usually they're mocked as advocating some old-fashioned left-wing politics or some particularism , like saving local conditions against globalism.
- the central figures of his novels are stripped of their particularity
- the statement of special educational needs lacked specificity
- the ability to celebrate the uniqueness of each individual
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