Meaning of विषम in Urdu
- غیر متناسب
- غیر متناسب طور پر
- متضاد
- اسکیوڈ
- غیر مقبول
- خلل
- بے نظیر
- گستاخانہ
- متفاوت
- ہیٹرولائٹک
- متناسب
- ہیٹرروتھرمل
- ٹائفاسس
- ٹائفک
- ٹائفونک
- ٹائفوس
Meaning of विषम in English
English usage of विषम
- the church has an asymmetrical plan with an aisle only on one side
- a contrasting view
- his friend's success contrasted with his own failure
- the car had skewed across the track
- Control of a heteroecious rust will involve two hosts and their proximity to each other.
- the genetic heterogeneity of human populations
- a large and heterogeneous collection
- present in the urine are heterogenous proteins
- Diagnostic characters for adults include emarginate eyes, definite epistomal margin, heteromerous tarsi, closed prothoracic coxal cavities, concealed antennal insertions, usually stout, moniliform or incrassate antennae (occasionally serrate or clubbed), and paired abdominal defensive glandular reservoirs.
- Conversely the more heteronomous they are in their literary practices, the more inclined they are to collaborate.
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