Meaning of वैमानिक in Urdu
- ایروناٹیکل
- ایروبرینچائٹ
- ایرواگرامس
- ایروگرافک
- ایروگن
- ہوائی جہاز
- ایرولائٹک
- ایرومینک
- ایرون
- ایرونٹ
- ایروناٹیک
- ایرونومک
- ایرونومیکل
- ایرونومر
- ایروسٹٹک
- ایروسٹاٹیکل
- تعلقی
- ایئرایٹ برنز پلاٹڈ نئککیل
- پائلٹر
- پائلرنگ
- پائلٹ
- پائلنگ
- پیلی
- پائلونیڈل
- پائلٹاکسیٹک
- پائلٹنگ
- پائلٹ ازم
- پائلٹ مین
- بغیر پائلٹ
- پائلٹوں
- پائلٹ شپ
Meaning of वैमानिक in English
English usage of वैमानिक
- he went on to study aeronautical engineering at the Air Force Academy
- Ironically, the dunes remaining are not the ones from which the famous aeronauts tried their flying machines.
- A young groom, eagerly attired, stands before a doorway, which in turn looks out onto a landscape of sun-scarred desert, aureate sands stretching to a blinding, azure sky.
- she produced the handful of coins she had managed to pilfer
- she produced the handful of coins she had managed to pilfer
- wooden piling supporting a complex of waterfront buildings
- other schools were piloting such courses
- other schools were piloting such courses
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