Meaning of व्यभिचार in Urdu
- زنا
- حرام کاری
- ویبیچار
- زانی
- زناکار
- بدکاری
- غیر قانونی
- فحاشی
- محرمات سے مباشرت
Meaning of व्यभिचार in English
English usage of व्यभिचार
- she was committing adultery with a much younger man
- laws forbidding adultery and fornication
- laws forbidding adultery and fornication
- ‘Strike the adulteress and the adulterer one hundred times’ may seem harsh but it is certainly not sexist.
- ‘Strike the adulteress and the adulterer one hundred times’ may seem harsh but it is certainly not sexist.
- she was committing adultery with a much younger man
- she was committing adultery with a much younger man
- The final chorus in this production reverses the emotional polarities of the whole opera: singing about their new-won freedom, the humans fight, flirt and fornicate .
- The final chorus in this production reverses the emotional polarities of the whole opera: singing about their new-won freedom, the humans fight, flirt and fornicate .
- We also show incest avoidance between closely related kin, as well as the influence of other factors on paternity in males.
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