Meaning of सराहना in Urdu
- تالیاں
- سراہا
- تالیاں بجانا
- کی تعریف
- قابل ستائش
- دھوکہ دینا
- تعریف کریں
- تعریف کرنا
- بھجن
- میرٹڈ
Meaning of सराहना in English
English usage of सराहना
- the crowd whistled and applauded
- the crowd whistled and applauded
- the crowd whistled and applauded
- she feels that he does not appreciate her
- an appreciative audience
- he was commended by the judge for his courageous actions
- he was commended by the judge for his courageous actions
- Johnson's reply hymns education
- Johnson's reply hymns education
- the results have been encouraging enough to merit further investigation
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