Meaning of सर्वात वाईट in Urdu
- سب سے اچھ .ا
- بدترین
- بلوسسٹ
- کهنڈا
- بریسٹ
- سب سے بری
- تیز ترین
- بہترین
- سب سے بڑا
- گھریلو
- سب سے زیادہ
- سب سے نیا
- مفلوج
- سب سے زیادہ سزا دینے والا
- روکیسٹ
- سب سے افسوسناک
- سب سے زیادہ ناگوار
- حقیقت میں
- حیرت انگیز
- سب سے کم
- انتہائی افسوسناک
Meaning of सर्वात वाईट in English
English usage of सर्वात वाईट
- a bad diet
- a blowsy woman wearing Bermuda shorts and a Bally's sweatshirt
- a blunt knife
- he could be brash, cocky, and arrogant
- his foul breath
- a dark and grungy basement
- Dr. Rogers has decided that it would be better for her to be in a comfortable, homey environment.
- the service is usually lousy
- the evening was cold and misty
- he had to whisper to avoid being overheard by their nosy neighbors
- I see you're getting quite pally with Carlos
- skeletal, white-faced, puny children
- I was sad and subdued
- everyone but the veriest greenhorn knows by now
- she had long, wavy hair
- a wacky chase movie
- a wicked and unscrupulous politician
- his wiry black hair
- manufacturing and mining are the industries worst affected by falling employment
- this was not the time for a deep discussion—she was tired and she would be worsted
- I felt so wretched because I thought I might never see you again
Synonyms of ‘सर्वात वाईट’
Antonyms of ‘सर्वात वाईट’
Articles Related to ‘सर्वात वाईट’
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