Meaning of আড্ডাবাজ in Urdu
- بیبلر
- بیبلرز
- بلیٹرسکائٹس
- بلورنگ
- حج
- گیبر
- لوفر
- لاؤڈموت
- لاؤڈموتھ
Meaning of আড্ডাবাজ in English
English usage of আড্ডাবাজ
- no one could accuse him of being a quiet man—in fact he's a babbler
- no one could accuse him of being a quiet man—in fact he's a babbler
- Have you noticed those two blatherskites are creeping ever nearer to usurp you as champion posters?
- a blithering idiot
- his handmade Italian loafers
- the bar had its fair share of loudmouths and drunks
- the bar had its fair share of loudmouths and drunks
Articles Related to ‘আড্ডাবাজ’
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