Meaning of আলাদা in Urdu
- علیحدہ کرنا
- فرق کرتا ہے
- امتیاز
- ممتاز
- الگ تھلگ
- قوسین والا
- طویل
- سنگرودھ
- الگ
- باہر علیحدہ
- الگ کرتا ہے
Meaning of আলাদা in English
English usage of আলাদা
- federal strings need to be detached to restore parental authority
- children can differentiate the past from the present
- a distinguished American educationist
- the child is perfectly capable of distinguishing reality from fantasy
- Sino-Tibetan languages are distinguished from western language families by two main traits: isolating or monosyllabic characters and the use of tones.
- parenthesized clauses
- The patients are now quarantined in normal wards and recovering from fever, the Central News Agency reported.
- the kingdom of Belgium seceded from the Netherlands in 1830
- this raises two separate issues
- police were trying to separate two rioting mobs
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