Meaning of একা in Urdu
- تنہا
- سولو
- تنہائی سے
- اکیلے
- اکیلی
- غیر آباد
- غیر منظم
- کسی جگہ نہیں
- متحد
- غیر اخلاقی طور پر
Meaning of একা in English
English usage of একা
- she was alone that evening
- The half closed with CBS forward Mark Fleming soloing through from centre-forward and kicking the ball to the net as CBS led 3-2 to 1-0 at half time.
- In that hotel room my father sat alone, solus , in the presence of the God that is, the God whose face we cannot see, the God who, if he speaks at all, says only I am that I am.
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