Meaning of দ্বিগুণ in Urdu
- دوگنا
- دگنا
- دو چند
- پے در پے
- تین حصوں میں بانٹنے
- جھن جھن کرنا
- فرنچائزز
- ٹوئگ
- بارہ گنا
- سیکنڈ سکور
- گہنا
- ٹہلنا
- ڈبل
- چہکنا
- ٹولڈ
- جڑواں
- ٹوئنگ
- گھوم گیا
- گہرا
- دوتي
- ٹوپینس
- دو
- دوسو
Meaning of দ্বিগুণ in English
English usage of দ্বিগুণ
- profits doubled in one year
- we will redouble our efforts to reform agricultural policy
- we will redouble our efforts to reform agricultural policy
- 'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
- twilled cotton
- he felt a twinge in his knee
- the ankle still twinged, but the pain was slight
- cerrusite, pseudo-hexagonal crystals, usually twinned
- the study showed an increased level of twinning in cattle
- she twirled in delight to show off her new dress
- a twofold increase in the risk
- It finally opened in January 1863: the toll to cross was half a penny for foot passengers, a penny for animals and twopence for horse-drawn vehicles.
- In reality, many of your clients will be twosomes - couples - and you will often find that they have conflicting tastes.
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