Meaning of প্রচারিত in Urdu
- نشر کیا
- گردش
- پھیل گیا
- منادی کی
- پروپیگنڈا کیا
- فروغ
- تشہیر کی
- ٹیلی کاسٹ کیا
Meaning of প্রচারিত in English
English usage of প্রচারিত
- a meeting in which long-standing grievances were aired
- the fan circulates hot air around the oven
- symptoms vary from mild localized disease to severe disseminated infection
- he preached to a large congregation
- try propagating your own houseplants from cuttings
- use the magazine to publicize human rights abuses
- use the magazine to publicize human rights abuses
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