Meaning of ভূমিকা in Urdu
- دعوے
- بارڈر لائنز
- آگے
- پیش لفظ
- تعارف
- مقدمات
- قیاس
- پرولیومینن
- کردار
Meaning of ভূমিকা in English
English usage of ভূমিকা
- reporters accosted him in the street
- The state secretary for maritime affairs stationed naval ships at the 12-mile borderline to ensure that the vessel didn't enter his country's waters.
- Again and again writers have explained themselves in a variety of ways: forewords , afterwords, essays, interviews, journal entries, not to mention stories or poems that rework old themes.
- Again and again writers have explained themselves in a variety of ways: forewords , afterwords, essays, interviews, journal entries, not to mention stories or poems that rework old themes.
- the introduction of muskrats into central Europe
- the introduction of muskrats into central Europe
- the book is prefaced by a quotation from William Faulkner
- the bombardment was resumed as a preliminary to an infantry attack
- The proem to the Ode ‘On the Morning of Christ's Nativity’ describes the poem as both a ‘hymn’ and a ‘humble ode.’
- a prolegomenon to the second part
- Dietrich's role as a wife in war-torn Paris
- Dietrich's role as a wife in war-torn Paris
Articles Related to ‘ভূমিকা’
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