Meaning of અશક્તિ in Urdu
- پنڈت
- عاجزی
- ناقابل برداشت
- عدم استحکام
- نفاست
- نامردی
- اہمیت
- نامحرم
- عیاری
- نامناسب
- کمی
- قابو پانا
- غیرجانبداری
- غیر طاقت
- بے طاقت
Meaning of અશક્તિ in English
English usage of અશક્તિ
- most of the cases presented with general debility, muscle weakness, and weight loss
- she describes the impermanence of human existence
- I discovered the imposture as soon as her doppelgänger arrived
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