Meaning of કામદાર in Urdu
- مزدوری
- محنتی
- محنت کا مارا
- کارکن
- ورکنگ
- کام کرنے والا
- ہنر مندانہ
- کاریگری سے
- ورکشی
- ورکشاپ
Meaning of કામદાર in English
English usage of કામદાર
- a farm worker
- When a mechanics' union campaigned for workingmen 's interests in 1828, it was a signal advance for cobblers and their kind.
- The tide had reached the ship, and now the workmen labouring about the hull were ankle deep in water.
- a steady, workmanlike approach
- The tide had reached the ship, and now the workmen labouring about the hull were ankle deep in water.
- most of them are idle, work-shy, good-for-nothing
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