Meaning of ગર્ભિત in Urdu
- غبن
- کڑھائی
- افراطیت
- تیز
- نقالی
- امتیازی
- مضمر
- واضح طور پر
- تقلید
- مطلب
- رنگدار
- بے اثر
- الزام لگانا
- نامعلوم
Meaning of ગર્ભિત in English
English usage of ગર્ભિત
- she had embezzled $5,600,000 in company funds
- police claims implicated him in many more killings
- police claims implicated him in many more killings
- the implication is that no one person at the bank is responsible
- an implicative proposition
- comments seen as implicit criticism of the policies
- she implicitly suggested that he was responsible for the error
- she was aware of his implied criticism
- the salesmen who uses jargon to imply his superior knowledge
- wood that had been impregnated with preservative
- wood that had been impregnated with preservative
- wood that had been impregnated with preservative
- wood that had been impregnated with preservative
- the crimes imputed to Richard
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