Meaning of ગેરહાજર in Urdu
- غیر حاضر
- غائب
- ننگا
- ننگے ہوئے
Meaning of ગેરહાજર in English
English usage of ગેરહાજર
- he attempts to abnegate personal responsibility
- there are facilities for abseiling and rock climbing
- most students were absent from school at least once
- halfway through the meal, he absented himself from the table
- absentee pupils
- absentee pupils
- halfway through the meal, he absented himself from the table
- Keira toyed absently with her fork
- an absentminded smile
- halfway through the meal, he absented himself from the table
- In these festivals the working people would hold skits in which they would uncrown the king.
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