Meaning of ઘાટ in Urdu
- بریش
- رفو
- فیری
- فیرین
- فرک
- کھجلی
- فیریٹ
- فیریج
- فیریجز
- فیریڈ
- گھاٹ
- فیری مین
- فیول
- فولڈر
- ڈھالنا
- سڑنا
- موٹ
- گونگا
- اسکواول
Meaning of ઘાટ in English
English usage of ઘાટ
- he could be brash, cocky, and arrogant
- I don't expect you to darn my socks
- These are usually referred to as festal responses, ferial responses keeping the chant in the treble and being harmonized in a simple fashion.
- The batch study showed that a ferrate dose of 15 mg/L gave effective removal of turbidity, COD, and coliform.
- But such vessel can not be used for mere ferriage across a river.
- But such vessel can not be used for mere ferriage across a river.
- riverboats ferried weekend picnickers to the park
- riverboats ferried weekend picnickers to the park
- riverboats ferried weekend picnickers to the park
- The cane, the birch and the ferule , a flat board also used to beat children and 'adults in a servile condition', were the teacher's badges. 438
- Consequently, I spent most of my time in the field engaging with boatmen and other locals working on the ghats (landing steps leading to the river).
- Consequently, I spent most of my time in the field engaging with boatmen and other locals working on the ghats (landing steps leading to the river).
- he planned to conquer the world as a roving reporter in the mold of his hero
- whether the temperature rise was mainly due to the greenhouse effect was a moot point
- he planned to conquer the world as a roving reporter in the mold of his hero
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