Meaning of ત્વરિત in Urdu
- فوری
- انسداد
- اچانک
- سناپینس
- باہر نکلو
- بولے
- سنیپی
- چلنا
- ٹنڈور
- ٹینیر
- بھڑک دار اور بھدے طريقے سے
- ٹریسورس
- شهنشائيت
- زارڈز
- الپانیم
Meaning of ત્વરિત in English
English usage of ત્વરિત
- at that instant the sun came out
- modern methods of instantaneous communication
- a study of two groups who seemed to instantiate productive aspects of this
- a study of two groups who seemed to instantiate productive aspects of this
- Consequently he no longer defines it solely as instauration of an object in the position of a subject's ego ideal without any concomitant ego-identification with another object or subject.
- guitar strings kept snapping
- guitar strings kept snapping
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