Meaning of દુર્ગમ in Urdu
- ناقابل تلافی
- بے قابو ہونا
- بے حد
- ناقابل
- ناقابل خواندگی
- ناقابل رسا پن
- ناقابل رسائ
- تکلیف نہیں
- ناقابل تسخیر
- ناقابل رسائی
Meaning of દુર્ગમ in English
English usage of દુર્ગમ
- the narrow channels are impassable to oceangoing ships
- belief in an impassible God
- a remote and inaccessible cave
- an insurmountable problem
- she gained control of a class which had initially been unteachable
Articles Related to ‘દુર્ગમ’
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