Meaning of દ્વેષી in Urdu
- بے چین
- گھبرانا
- بیینٹ
- براؤزر
- جعل سازی
- پابند
- رشوت خور
- ڈیلیئر
- سجاوٹ
- ڈیمیکانٹن
- بدترین
- پریشان
- چوری
- اینسانیکیٹر
- ایپلائٹڈ
- بہانا کرنا
- بخار
- گالیش
- جیمپنگ
- چبا
- حیران کن
- کترنےوالا جانور
- مسکراہٹ
- ہنر مند
- نفرت کرنے والا
- پھنس
- گھٹا ہوا
- لیوڈسٹ
- بدصورت
- مرکری
- جھکا ہوا
- گلا ہوا
- اوفش
- پینٹینڈراس
- حقیقت پسندی
- فینک
- غلاظت
- اڑا ہوا
- متشدد
- ہلچل
- تمباکو نوشی
- تين تين کا
- ٹھبل
- دو بار دھتکارے
- وولپس
Meaning of દ્વેષી in English
English usage of દ્વેષી
- Early morning is best, when the woods are cool and the ground is still moist and dewy .
- she feigned nervousness
- watching a dog gnaw at a big bone
- he's not a hater of modern music
- the jagged edges gashed their fingers
- she began to gyrate to the music and sing a lewd song
- his mercurial temperament
- she was slightly miffed at not being invited
- This behavior by the lice is known as phoresy and is in effect a risky process of redistribution in which the lice get to travel freely on the flies.
- men to plighted vows were faithful
- a poignant reminder of the passing of time
- pedestrians scurried for cover
- Without even asking Desdemona if it is true or not, Othello kills her by smothering her.
- Having the parts arranged by threes; as, ternate branches, leaves, or flowers.
Articles Related to ‘દ્વેષી’
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