Meaning of નમસ્કાર in Urdu
- شرائط
- رکوع
- گستاخ
- سلام
- ہیلو
- لونٹ
- نامزدگی
- منسوخی
- بے حسی
- اعداد
- سجدہ
- نمکین
- سلوک
- سالٹیگراڈی
- سالگریڈ
- سالٹیمانکو
- سالٹیم بینک
- سالٹیمبینکری
- سیلوری
- سیلوری ویز
- صلوبرائف
- سلفیاں
- مصیبت
Meaning of નમસ્કાર in English
English usage of નમસ્કાર
- he sat down on the armchair and started to greet
- The lunate microsporophylls and densely packed sporangia are consistent with the morphology of other noeggerathialean cones, such as Discinites Feistmanlel.
- they paid obeisance to the Prince
- Sallows grow much faster, if they are planted within reach of water, or in a very moorish ground, or flat plain; and where the soil is (by reason of extraordinary moisture) unfit for arable, or meadow.
- The new design added the red saltire cross attributed to St. Patrick for Ireland.
- The new design added the red saltire cross attributed to St. Patrick for Ireland.
- a salutary reminder of where we came from
- we greeted them but no one returned our salutations
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