Meaning of નાશવંત in Urdu
- ناسازگار
- فنا
- ناجائز
- ناگوار
- تباہ کن
- ناکارہ
Meaning of નાશવંત in English
English usage of નાશવંત
- The German player also seeks to reinsure the treaty by tying in the Swedish matter because he cannot rely on Russian compliance simply because the deal is good for both countries; that is, he must protect against fools as well as dastards .
- Check use-by dates on packaging and pay particular attention to perishable foods, such as vacuum packed smoked salmon or ham and dairy products.
- Imagine how much easier food storage and transportation would be if perishables didn't have to be refrigerated.
Articles Related to ‘નાશવંત’
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