Meaning of ફરજિયાત in Urdu
- مجبور
- مابعد
- لازمی
- لازمی طور پر
- مجبوری
- واجب القتل
- نافذ
- مینڈیٹ
- مینڈیٹ پن
- مینڈیٹنگ
- مینڈیبلری
- مینڈولٹ
- مجبورا
- واجب
- واجب ہے
- واجباتی
- فرض کرنا
- مستعدی
Meaning of ફરજિયાત in English
English usage of ફરજિયાત
- a sense of duty compelled Harry to answer her questions
- a sense of duty compelled Harry to answer her questions
- it was compulsory to attend mass
- dutiable goods
- the enfeoffed knights and overlords
- other colleges have mandated coed fraternities
- other colleges have mandated coed fraternities
- wearing helmets was made mandatory for cyclists
- The tongue is suspended from the inside of the mandible above the hyoid bone and has muscles with a range of different orientations.
- The tongue is suspended from the inside of the mandible above the hyoid bone and has muscles with a range of different orientations.
- she fell upon the wretched vegetable and manducated it
- the medical establishment is obligated to take action in the best interest of the public
- the medical establishment is obligated to take action in the best interest of the public
- use of seat belts in cars is now obligatory
- one of the most obliging stewards
- Prime Group had given an indemnity as a principal obligor , and not just a guarantor, to the Respondents in respect of the tenant's obligations under one of the Leases.
- recumbent statues
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