Meaning of બદમાશ in Urdu
- براڈاس
- خراب
- بددیانت
- بدینور
- بدتمیزی
- گستاخیاں
- غنڈہ گردی
- بدنام کرنا
- بدصورت
- بدعنوانی
- بدمعاش
- بدمعاشوں
- بدمعاشی
Meaning of બદમાશ in English
English usage of બદમાશ
- a badass demeanor
- no one wants to hire an individual who bad-mouths a prior employer
- If the inspector finds too many plants with virus, the grower needs to clean up the field by roguing and carrying the diseased plants out of the field.
- you are a rogue and an embezzler
- he led a roguish and uncertain existence
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