Meaning of મતભેદ in Urdu
- مشکلات میں
- تعاون
- اختلاف
- اختلافی
- اختلافات
- تفرقے
- حق رائے دہی
- ڈفرنچائزز
- حق تلفی کرنا
- عدم اعتماد
- تنازعہ
- اختلاف رائے
- ناراضگی
- مشکلات
Meaning of મતભેદ in English
English usage of મતભેદ
- the requirements of the system, by happy chance and some contrivance, can be summed up in an acronym
- there was some disagreement about the details
- there was some disagreement about the details
- in an ideal world, these diseconomies of scale would be minimized
- these issues caused bitter dissension in the party
- these issues caused bitter dissension in the party
- It must think it really did win the last state election, even though the Libs polled more votes and gained more seats than Labor, which came to office only through backroom deals with two or three Liberal dissentients .
- the bookies are offering odds of 8-1
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