Meaning of વિખેરવું in Urdu
- منتشر کرنا
- تفرقہ
- ڈس آرڈرنگ
- ڈس انڈی
- مایوسی
- اتفاقی
- تقلید
- تقسیم
- تکرار کرنا
- بیچینی
- ختم کرنا
- انشورنس
- جدا کرنا
- غیر منقولیت
- ختم
- امتیازی سلوک
- دور کرنا
- فارغ کرنا
- منتشر
- بازی
- ڈسپوڈر
- منتقلی
- الگ کرنا
- اختلافی
- ڈسٹر
- ناکارہ ہونا
Meaning of વિખેરવું in English
English usage of વિખેરવું
- competitors wearing rings will be disbarred from competition
- that sea disembogues into the northern ocean
- the Duke is seeking to disinherit his eldest son
- the Duke is seeking to disinherit his eldest son
- Mopping up continued through the night as frantic efforts were made to disinter the troops buried in the tunnels.
- Mopping up continued through the night as frantic efforts were made to disinter the troops buried in the tunnels.
- the engines were dismantled and the bits piled into a heap
- the engines were dismantled and the bits piled into a heap
- the engines were dismantled and the bits piled into a heap
- the brightness of the day did nothing to dispel Elaine's dejection
- the dispersal of people to increasingly distant suburbs
- storms can disperse seeds via high altitudes
- the abdomen distended rapidly
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