Meaning of વિશ્વસનીયતા in Urdu
- مابعد
- ساکھ
- انحصار
- وشوسنییتا
- اعتبار
- اعتماد
- توثیق
- قابل اعتماد
- استقامت
Meaning of વિશ્વસનીયતા in English
English usage of વિશ્વસનીયતા
- the government's loss of credibility
- the government's loss of credibility
- the car's background gives me every confidence in its reliability
- the car's background gives me every confidence in its reliability
- As the importance of saints and their relics increased, reliquaries and image-bearing objects, such as small statues, began to be placed upon the altar.
- he has to prove his trustworthiness to you
Synonyms of ‘વિશ્વસનીયતા’
Antonyms of ‘વિશ્વસનીયતા’
Articles Related to ‘વિશ્વસનીયતા’
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