Meaning of સ્ત્રી in Urdu
- دلکش عورت
- ایک عورت
- عورت
- فیوڈی
- شادی
- خاتون
- لیڈی
- لڑکا
- خواتین
- عورت والی
- ویمنفولک
- عورت سے
- عورت کے سر
- عورتوں
- عورت ساز
Meaning of સ્ત્રી in English
English usage of સ્ત્રી
- In the following six sections, the charwoman Mrs. McNab enters the house, ‘tearing the veil of silence’ of Charmichael's and Mr. Ramsay's poetic/metaphysical visions.
- a herd of female deer
- The Icelandic language resembles Russian just enough to emit a similar impression.
- I spoke to the lady at the travel agency
- Englishwoman
- there were rumors that his womanizing had now become intolerable
- her smooth, womanly skin
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