Meaning of அரிப்பு in Urdu
- گھٹیا
- سنکنرن
- خراب
- گستاخ
- گھٹیا پن
- مٹانا
- کشش
- کٹاؤ
- کٹاؤ سے
- جذباتی
- دکھائیں
- خارش زدہ
- کھرچنا
- خارش
Meaning of அரிப்பு in English
English usage of அரிப்பு
- each aircraft part is sprayed with oil to prevent corrosion
- the cliffs have been eroded by the sea
- the problem of soil erosion
- the bite itched like crazy
- the car's paintwork was battered and scratched
- they have constructed the walls and are now thatching the roof
Articles Related to ‘அரிப்பு’
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