Meaning of இயலாமை in Urdu
- حرارت
- معذوری
- ناکارہ ہونا
- عدم استحکام
- نا اہلیت
- بے قابو ہونا
- ناقابل خواندگی
- رواداری
- ناممکن
- غیر منقولیت
- نامردی
- نامرد
- اسمرتتا
- نااہلی
- نااہل
- نااہل ہونا
- ناپاکی
- تکلیف
- کمی
- روشن
- عدم موجودگی
- معاوضہ
- نامکمل
- غیر معقولیت
- بے ضابطگی
- مداخلت
- نا اہلی
- بے بنیاد
- عدم اطمینان
- غیر عملی
- ناقابل برداشت
- ناقابل تسخیر
- لاقانونیت
- بکواس
- بے قابو
Meaning of இயலாமை in English
English usage of இயலாமை
- It pays for equipment and holidays to help improve the lives of children with physical and mental disabilities in the York area.
- he was seized with an impotent anger
- the inability of the soldiers to understand an alien culture
- In 2001, the animal had problems such as lethargy, inappetence , and ulcers.
- he was incapacitated by a heart attack
- he was incapacitated by a heart attack
- he was incapacitated by a heart attack
- they can be fired only for incapacity or misbehavior
- they can be fired only for incapacity or misbehavior
- allegations of professional incompetence
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