Meaning of எழுச்சி in Urdu
- اضافے
- تیز
- سرج پروف
- حوصلہ افزائی
- ہلچل
- افزائش
- شور مچانا
- افیئرنگ
- بغاوت
- عروج
- ہنگامہ
- مشتعل
Meaning of எழுச்சி in English
English usage of எழுச்சி
- flooding caused by tidal surges
- major upheavals in the financial markets
- the area was first upheaved from the primeval ocean
- bright and red uprose the morning sun
- bright and red uprose the morning sun
- an armed uprising
- bright and red uprose the morning sun
- an uprush of joy
- an upsurge in violent crime
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