
Meaning of ஒத்திசைவு in Urdu

  • ہم آہنگی
  • ملحق
  • معاونت
  • قرض
  • مربوط
  • تعاون
  • سمیٹنا
  • کنکرنشن
  • سمعی
  • خلوص
  • کنکر
  • دھوکہ
  • کنکیناٹ
  • نتیجہ اخذ کرنا
  • موافق
  • متفقہ
  • اکٹھا کرنا
  • ہم آہنگ
  • ہوش و حواس
  • اتفاق
  • کنکورڈل
  • کنکورڈر
  • کنکریٹ
  • کنکریٹینٹل
  • کنکریشن
  • کنکریٹزم
  • کنکریٹینری
  • کنکریٹائزیشن
  • سازش
  • کنکوربیٹ
  • کنجلیٹربیٹ
  • راحت
  • اختلافی
  • ناکارہ ہونا
  • تکلیف
  • بے اطمینانی
  • باہمی تعل .ق
  • ناامیدی
  • تفریق
  • عدم اطمینان
  • ہوموگانیٹ
  • ہومجنائزیشن
  • ہمگولیشن
  • ہمونوموسس
  • ہم جنس
  • بے ضابطگی
  • آواز
  • عدم تبادلہ
  • غیر مطابقت
  • غیر رابطہ
  • عدم مساوات
  • پیش گوئی
  • ریسرسر
  • ریسرچائز
  • ریسلیکشن
  • ریسکیسٹر
  • چاپلوسی
  • ہمدردی
  • ترکیب
  • انترگرتن
  • ہم وقت سازی
  • مطابقت پذیری
  • ہم آہنگی سے
  • سنکرو
  • ہم وقت ساز
  • مطابقت پذیر
  • سنکلاسٹک
  • سنکوپال
  • لفظ ميں کوئي حرف حذف کرنا
  • سنسنی خیز
  • سائینولوجی
  • ماہر نفسیات
  • سنیماٹا
  • مصنوعی
  • سنفول
  • سنجیدہ
  • سنکیٹک
  • ديني امور کے فيصلوں کے بابت
  • مترادف ہونا
  • غیرجانبداری
  • بے اعتنائی
  • عدم مطابقت
  • غیر ذمہ داری
  • غیر عدم تحفظ
  • عدم اتفاق
  • غیر اعلانیہ
  • بدقسمتی
  • بے یقینی
  • بے حسی

Meaning of ஒத்திசைவு in English

English usage of ஒத்திசைவு

  • alliterative assonances such as “fail” and “fall” are very common in Old English poetry
  • our mixed physical and spiritual natures cohere and mature
  • the work at present lacks cohesion
  • the film lacks cohesiveness
  • That geologic concinnity 's taste is what we know and who we are.
  • a pact of peace and concord
  • a concordance to the Bible
  • the answers were roughly concordant
  • However, the two theories do clash, and this stems from the implicit assumption in the lepidomorial theory that ontogenetic and phylogenetic patterns equate; i.e., phylogenetic concrescence results from ontogenetic concrescence .
  • a mass of small concretions, each built up layer upon layer around some small nucleus
  • In musical concretism , a material or concrete sound is one which reveals its affinity to the source of the sound.
  • St. Anthony's battle with concupiscence
  • they concurred in the creation of the disciplinary procedures
  • the incidental concurrence of two separate tumors
  • The passages from the specification set out above do not demonstrate any disconformity .
  • the loss of the area disjointed military plans
  • an unusual degree of dissonance for such choral styles
  • the second movement is a dramatic adagio with lush piano harmonizations
  • the second movement is a dramatic adagio with lush piano harmonizations
  • Analysis of metabolites in whole tissue homogenates is, therefore, of limited value as this provides only an average of the contribution made by many different types of cell.
  • after homogenization and pasteurization, milk travels to one of six storage tanks
  • Although thought to be particularly associated with Asperger's syndrome, clumsiness or incoordination (developmental coordination disorder) can occur in any of the autistic spectrum disorders
  • she spoke English with a German intonation
  • There, electrical impulses propel vesicles into the cell wall to spray the neurotransmitter into the synapse .
  • images flash onto your screen in sync with the music
  • At anthesis, the ovary is completely septate; the syncarpous part (ovary and lower style) is completely symplicate.
  • Closure of the ischiopubic synchondrosis is variable and can occur as early as 3 years.
  • synchrotron
  • these gearboxes only had synchromesh on higher gears
  • synchronic linguistics
  • lack of synchronization between the dancers made it look clumsy
  • lack of synchronization between the dancers made it look clumsy
  • glaciations were approximately synchronous in both hemispheres
  • the structuralist distinction between synchrony and diachrony
  • A series of synclines and anticlines developed within the basin at several localities but most prominently south of the Aghios Georgios fault zone.
  • syncopated dance music
  • Decreased cerebral perfusion may cause impaired consciousness and syncope .
  • interfaith dialogue can easily slip into syncretism
  • Additional information on the autecology and synecology of Microstegium (and other species ranked herein) are in The Nature Conservancy's Element Stewardship Abstracts.
  • synesthetic perceptions
  • synfuel would be more expensive than liquefied natural gas
  • We describe the maternal and paternal contributions to the diploid cell by reminding the students of the origin of a diploid cell and the process of syngamy that follows fertilization.
  • these ores are of syngenetic origin
  • erosion beneath the Hercynian unconformity has removed most of the Westphalian strata

Synonyms of ‘ஒத்திசைவு

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