Meaning of சாய்வு in Urdu
- میلان
- گریڈینٹر
- جھکاؤ
- مائل
- اٹال
- ترچھا
- اٹکل
- اٹکل سے
- اٹلی
- ترچھے
- اٹالک کردہ
- ترچھی حروف لکھنا
- واجبات
- تکرار کرنا
- ڈھلا
- ڈھال
- ڈھلا پن
- ڈھلوان
- میلا پن
Meaning of சாய்வு in English
English usage of சாய்வு
- fail-safe brakes for use on steep gradients
- fail-safe brakes for use on steep gradients
- he was free to follow his inclinations
- he was inclined to accept the offer
- the key words are in italics
- she italicized the title
- she italicized the title
- the key words are in italics
- water slopped over the edge of the sink
- he slithered helplessly down the slope
- a sloping floor
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